Kotlin Training Program




Assignment operator

The most basic operator in Kotlin is the Assignment operator =. It is used to assign a value to variable. Example :

 fun main() {
		val a = 5
		var b = "Hello!"

Depending on the type of data, we can perform several operations on it :

Operations on numbers

Basic operations

On numerical data, we can perform arithmatic operations like :

  • Addition + , Subtraction - , Multiplication * , Division /
  • Modulus % (calculate the reminder of a division)
  • Bitwise - AND, OR, XOR
  • Floor, Ceil, Round etc.

Examples :

 fun main() {
    val a = 2
    val b = 6
    val x = 3.14f

        Arithmetic operations
        $a + $b = ${a + b}
        $a - $b = ${a - b}
        $a * $b = ${a * b}
        $a / $b = ${a / b}
        $a % $b = ${a % b}

        Bitwise operations
        $a AND $b = ${a and b}
        $a OR $b = ${a or b}
        $a XOR $b = ${a xor b}

        Other operations
        floor($x) = ${floor(x)}
        ceil($x) = ${ceil(x)}
        round($x) = ${round(x)}

/* Output :

Arithmetic operations
2 + 6 = 8
2 - 6 = -4
2 * 6 = 12
2 / 6 = 0
2 % 6 = 2

Bitwise operations
2 AND 6 = 2
2 OR 6 = 6
2 XOR 6 = 4

Other operations
floor(3.14) = 3.0
ceil(3.14) = 4.0
round(3.14) = 3.0

Augmented Assignment operators

While performing arithmatic operations on numbers, if operand is to be assigned the result, we can use Augmented Assignment operators.

For example, we have a variable x and we want to multiple it by 5 and assign the result back to x. Usually, we would do it like this :

 fun main() {
		var x = 10
		x = x * 5;

But using Augmented Assignment operator, we can re-write the same operation as x *= 5.

 fun main() {
		var x = 10
		x *= 5; // Short form of x = x * 5

Note that this works for var only and not val. So, the following is invalid :

 fun main() {
		val x = 10
		x *= 5; // ERROR!

Similarly, we have Augmented Assignment operator for all arithmatic operations : +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

Increment & Decrement operators

To increment a variable x by 1, we write x = x + 1. We also have a shortcut to such increment using increment operator ++. So, to increment x by 1, we can write x++. Similarly, for decrement we have decrement operator -- . So, x = x - 1 can be written as x--.

  • Increment & Decrement operators can either be postfixed or prefixed.
  • When postfixed, the expression first returns the current value then increments/decrements.
  • Whereas when prefixed, the expression first increments/decrements then returns the updated value. Let us understand this with the help of some examples :
 fun main() {
    var x = 1

        x = ${x++}, incrementing...
        x = $x
        x = (incrementing...) ${++x}
        x = $x
        x = ${x--}, decrementing...
        x = $x
        x = (decrementing...) ${--x}
        x = $x

/* Output :

x = 1, incrementing...
x = 2

x = (incrementing...) 3
x = 3

x = 3, decrementing...
x = 2
x = (decrementing...) 1
x = 1

Result type

Consider the following program :

 fun main() {
		println(1 / 2) // Prints "0"

Result of 1 / 2 is printed 0 whereas you might expect it to print 0.5. Why is this so? Lets find out!

Here 1 & 2 are implicitly of the type Int. So, the result of this operation is also of the type Int.

 Int /* operation */ Int = Int

Division operator when applied on Int gives only the quotient of division and not the decimal answer. Hence we get 0. To get result as 0.5, we need to make at least one of the operands of floating type i.e. Float or Double.

 fun main() {
		println(1 / 2f) // Prints "0.5"
		// OR
		println(1f / 2) // Prints "0.5"
		// OR
		println(1f / 2f) // Prints "0.5"

To yield a Float result, it is sufficient for only one of them to be of Float type. This is because, when two different number types are used for operands, result is calculated is the type which is larger. Floating points are considered larger than Integer types :

 Double, Float > Long, Int, Short, Byte
Type1 /* operation */ Type2 = Max(Type1, Type2)

// Example :
Int * Float = Float

Operations on strings

On textual data, we can perform operations like :

Examples :

 fun main() {
    val firstName = "Alan"
    val lastName = "Turing"

    // Concatenation
    val fullName = firstName + " " + lastName
    println("Concatenated String = $fullName")

    // Concatenation using String Template
    println("Concatenated String = $firstName $lastName")

		// Case conversion

    // Substring
    print("Substring = ")
    println("Lady Ada Lovelace".substring(9))

/* Output :

Concatenated String = Alan Turing
Concatenated String = Alan Turing


Substring = Lovelace

There are many more operations that can be performed on Strings. We’ll discuss about them in the String chapter.

Relational operators

Relational operators (can be performed on numerical, textual, boolean data & custom data type also). We get a boolean as a result of applying relational operator.

Examples :

 fun main() {
    val a = 5
    val b = 10

    val apple = "Apple"
    val ball = "Ball"

        On numbers :
        $a == $b = ${a == b}
        $a != $b = ${a != b}
        $a < $b = ${a < b}
        $a <= $b = ${a <= b}
        $a > $b = ${a > b}
        $a >= $b = ${a >= b}

        On strings :
        "$apple" == "$ball" = ${apple == ball}
        "$apple" != "$ball" = ${apple != ball}
        "$apple" < "$ball" = ${apple < ball}
        "$apple" <= "$ball" = ${apple <= ball}
        "$apple" > "$ball" = ${apple > ball}
        "$apple" >= "$ball" = ${apple >= ball}

/* Output :

On numbers :
5 == 10 = false
5 != 10 = true
5 < 10 = true
5 <= 10 = true
5 > 10 = false
5 >= 10 = false

On strings :
"Apple" == "Ball" = false
"Apple" != "Ball" = true
"Apple" < "Ball" = true
"Apple" <= "Ball" = true
"Apple" > "Ball" = false
"Apple" >= "Ball" = false

Logical operators

On Boolean data, we can perform logical operations like

Examples :

 fun main() {
        Logical AND (&&)
        false && false = ${false && false}
        false && true  = ${false && true}
        true  && false = ${true && false}
        true  && true  = ${true && true}

        Logical OR (||)
        false || false = ${false || false}
        false || true  = ${false || true}
        true  || false = ${true || false}
        true  || true  = ${true || true}

        Logical NOT (!)
        !false = ${!false}
        !true  = ${!true}

/* Output :

Logical AND (&&)
false && false = false
false && true  = false
true  && false = false
true  && true  = true

Logical OR (||)
false || false = false
false || true  = true
true  || false = true
true  || true  = true

Logical NOT (!)
!false = true
!true  = false