fun String.equals(other: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// Return false if lengths don't match
if (length != other.length) return false
// Iterate and check each char
for (i in indices) {
// Continue if found equal
if (this[i].equals(other[i], ignoreCase)) continue
// otherwise (unequal), return false
return false
// If we reach here, then both strings are equal
return true
fun String.startsWith(prefix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// If length is less than prefix length, return false
if (this.length < prefix.length) return false
// Iterate over prefix.length characters
for (i in prefix.indices) {
// If equal, continue
if (this[i].equals(prefix[i], ignoreCase)) continue
// Otherwise (unequal), return false
return false
// If we reach here, then string has given prefix
return true
fun String.endsWith(suffix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// If length is less than suffix length, return false
if (this.length < suffix.length) return false
// Iterate over suffix.length characters
for (i in suffix.indices) {
// If equal, continue
if (this[lastIndex - suffix.lastIndex + i].equals(suffix[i], ignoreCase)) continue
// Otherwise (unequal), return false
return false
// If we reach here, then string has given prefix
return true
For startsWith()
and endsWith()
, we can use substring approach also, wherein we extract out the required substring and match it against the other string :
fun String.startsWithUsingSubstring(prefix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// If length is less than prefix length, return false
if (this.length < prefix.length) return false
// Check exact length substring equality
return substring(endIndex = prefix.length).equals(prefix, ignoreCase)
fun String.endsWithUsingSubstring(suffix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
// If length is less than suffix length, return false
if (this.length < suffix.length) return false
// Check exact length substring equality
return substring(length - suffix.length).equals(suffix, ignoreCase)