Kotlin Training Program



Equality check

We have equals() function to check complete equality of two strings. For partial equality, we have startsWith() and endsWith() functions.

 fun main() {
    println("Sun".equals("sun", ignoreCase = true)) // Prints true
    println("Swami Vivekananda".startsWith("Swami")) // Prints true
    println("Bhagat Singh".endsWith("Singh")) // Prints true

All three functions are similar, the only difference being where to start & end the string comparisons.

Length check at the beginning will save us from unnecessary comparisons.


 fun String.equals(other: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
    // Return false if lengths don't match
    if (length != other.length) return false

    // Iterate and check each char
    for (i in indices) {

        // Continue if found equal
        if (this[i].equals(other[i], ignoreCase)) continue

        // otherwise (unequal), return false
        return false

    // If we reach here, then both strings are equal
    return true

fun String.startsWith(prefix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {

    // If length is less than prefix length, return false
    if (this.length < prefix.length) return false

    // Iterate over prefix.length characters
    for (i in prefix.indices) {

        // If equal, continue
        if (this[i].equals(prefix[i], ignoreCase)) continue

        // Otherwise (unequal), return false
        return false

    // If we reach here, then string has given prefix
    return true

fun String.endsWith(suffix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {

    // If length is less than suffix length, return false
    if (this.length < suffix.length) return false

    // Iterate over suffix.length characters
    for (i in suffix.indices) {

        // If equal, continue
        if (this[lastIndex - suffix.lastIndex + i].equals(suffix[i], ignoreCase)) continue

        // Otherwise (unequal), return false
        return false

    // If we reach here, then string has given prefix
    return true

For startsWith() and endsWith(), we can use substring approach also, wherein we extract out the required substring and match it against the other string :

 fun String.startsWithUsingSubstring(prefix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {

    // If length is less than prefix length, return false
    if (this.length < prefix.length) return false

    // Check exact length substring equality
    return substring(endIndex = prefix.length).equals(prefix, ignoreCase)

fun String.endsWithUsingSubstring(suffix: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {

    // If length is less than suffix length, return false
    if (this.length < suffix.length) return false

    // Check exact length substring equality
    return substring(length - suffix.length).equals(suffix, ignoreCase)