Kotlin Training Program



Case conversion

We have built-in functions for Char case conversion :

 fun main() {
    println('A'.lowercaseChar()) // a
		println('z'.uppercaseChar()) // Z

How do we define these functions on our own?

Recall that each character has a unique integer associated with it known as code. The code range for uppercase characters A-Z is 65..90 and that of lowercase characters a-z is 97..122.

So to convert an lowercase character to uppercase character, we just have to increment its code by (97 - 65) i.e. 32.

Like String, Char is also immutable i.e. we can’t modify it. We have to create a new Char with the required code.

Following is a Char Extension function to convert it from lowercase to uppercase :

 fun Char.uppercaseChar(): Char {
    // Convert only if it is lowercase Char
    return if (this in 'a'..'z') {
				// Create a new Char with the required code
        Char(code + ('A'.code - 'a'.code))
    } else {